Wednesday, October 18, 2006


How we work is like an artifact we engender in time, or the residual footprints on a Tapies:

1 comment:

cowboyangel said...

Tapies. Very good. And Spanish. Well, Catalan.

Tapas are also good. And Spanish.

Taipei is an unknown to me. And not Spanish.

Tapestries can be nice. And some can be Spanish. Some can be found in the Met.

Timpani works at times. Not specifically Spanish.

Tin Pan Alley was great but not
Spanish at all. Russian Jewish.

Tin-pan-o-nion was a piece performed by Bryants' Minstrels in New York City in October 1862.

Tang was a powdered organe drink supposedly used by astronauts. Not Spanish, thoug it seems one could buy it in Spain, probably at El Corte Ingles.

I could go on.

I won't.